
News + Insights From Green Clean Maine

Tentative Reopening: May 4th

Tentative Reopening May 4th

We have set a tentative reopening date of May 4th. The more I learn about the virus, how it spreads and how to control risk factors, the more confident I am that we can return to work, with modifications, while protecting your health and the health of our crew members. We are even seeing promising signs about our ability to control the virus without using harsh chemicals – soap and hydrogen peroxide can work wonders against this particular virus (and other “envelope viruses”).

There is also some agreement across sources (here and here) that we may be nearing peak rates of infection in our area. We will want some assurance that we are past peak before a final decision to reopen, and by the end of this month I expect for this to be clearer.

Stay at home orders remain in place, but we are technically deemed “essential,” so there is no legal requirement for us to stay closed. As stated in our recent blog post, we are nonetheless watching stay-at-home orders and they are a part of our consideration set. As long as the strict stay-at-home orders are in place, returning to work will be optional for our staff members, though many have expressed an interest in returning as soon as possible. They would rather be working!

We have heard from several of you of your desire to be placed on a priority list for a return to service. If you would like priority and have not yet contacted us, please contact us indicating your need/preference.

Stay tuned, in a future email we will outline our reopening plan and what to expect as we resume service.

Products for Sale

Yes, you can buy our cleaning products! We are offering our three main cleaning products for sale – either no contact delivery or no-contact pickup at our office on Warren Ave.

Products are $6/32 oz, with a delivery charge of $10. NOTE: These products are preservative-free so have a limited shelf-life. Use within 2 weeks!

TO ORDER: Simply respond to this email with the product(s) you would like and your preference for delivery or pick-up. We will charge your credit card on file. If you don’t have a card on file we can take payment over the phone.

Cleaning Product #1: Degreasing Surface Cleaner. Use this grime-fighting handmade mix of baking soda, plant-based detergent and essential oils to cut through messes in your kitchen, eating areas and smudges on walls and other surfaces.

Cleaning Product #2: Streak-Free Glass and Surface cleaner. THE signature Green Clean Maine multi-purpose cleaner, this one leaves that beloved lemongrass scent. Made from vinegar, plant based detergent and essential oils, it dries remarkably streak-free.

Cleaning Product #3: Toilet Cleaner (aka “Potty Spray”). This heavy-duty combo of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and essential oils meets WHO recommended formulation guidelines for disinfection. IMPORTANT: This product has not been lab-tested for confirmation of disinfection claim per EPA guidelines. We are offering it to customers and friends as a way to sanitize surfaces while we are closed. Hope to get lab testing soon!

A Little Cleaning How-To

Several have asked for tips and advice on how to clean while our service is on hiatus. While I keep thinking there will be time for me to put together some how-to vignettes to share with you all, it just doesn’t seem to be happening. Plus, I’m not great with social media, and there are other people out there who are!

I’m a big fan of Melissa Maker and her YouTube channel Clean My Space. She has more than 500 videos, which a cleaning geek like me could really get into (and has), but this 18-minute whole-house tutorial is entertaining and packed with great pro cleaning tips. It’s also strangely motivating.

In all seriousness – I’m happy to answer any vexing cleaning questions you have. Just respond to this email.

Employee Aid Update

Thanks to all who have contributed to the Employee Aid Fund. We have been able to purchase two rounds of $100 Hannaford Gift Cards for all employees so far. I expect a third round to go out soon. This has been a critical bridge for many as they await the more substantial federal unemployment benefits to begin.

We also continue to accept prepayments on future service. Thanks to all who have prepaid to date.

About My Advocacy Work

Through an organic series of developments (and aided by my uncontrollable urge to put everything into an Excel spreadsheet), I’ve ended up being a de-facto spokesperson for many local small businesses affected by this crisis. I want you, my customers, to know that my main focus remains reopening the business safely.

But in the meantime, it seems a rational course of action and worthwhile use of my time to point out the serious flaws in the currently available aid for small businesses. These programs are well intended but falling short, and without some modifications to the rules as they currently exist, we won’t see aid effectively getting to where it’s needed most. This will mean more shuttered store fronts than otherwise necessary over the coming months.

If you share my concern for our small business community, I hope you will join me in sharing your concerns with our elected representatives. They are listening. To me, it’s not about politics, it’s about our family, our friends and our neighbors – we will all be affected as the economic effects ripple outward.

So far, most have been supportive or at least sympathetic to our concerns. Unfortunately, some have been vicious in their criticism. In the event that this abusive language starts reaching our company in any volume, I will cease to post updates on this particular topic; I need to protect our business. But in the meantime, I’ll share updates on our Facebook page.

Thank you again and as always for your support and patience through this shutdown; we all remain eager to get back to work.

Yours in safety and health,

-Joe W.


  • I love Green Clean Maine! I know my husband already left a review but they are so great it merits two haha. They not only leave our condo sparkly and full of fresh, lemongrassy goodness but they are so sweet and friendly (and funny!). We both work from home and have been home most times they've come to clean, and it's always a joy to have them here. They really seem to have fun when they're working and it's just wonderful to know that we're supporting a business that cares so much about its employees and that its employees enjoy their jobs. <3

    Lesley DeSantis
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